It’s Not the End

What feels like the end is often the Beginning. #quotes #words #inspiration

It’s been a little over a month since I arrived back in Saskatoon after backpacking around Southeast Asia.  And it’s been a little… weird.  I absolutely love seeing my friends and my family (and my cats!).  It’s kind of nice to not have to pack up everything that I own every other morning to move somewhere different.  I also enjoy having more than just two T-shirts to choose from in the morning.

However, of course I do miss travelling.  I miss just sitting down and striking up a conversation with a complete stranger.  (Though I do still do that here at home, but most people don’t really know how to react and we end up talking about the weather instead of having a genuine conversation.)  I miss being surrounded by different accents of languages around the world, and comparing experiences in various countries and places.  I also miss the food…the delicious, sometimes strange, unique, cheap food.

Sigh, getting nostalgic.  But alas, that’s why I chose to post this quote here.  Though this trip has ended, I do have a ton of new things going on at home which I am genuinely excited about.  In the fall I start teaching in a new position–as a resource teacher–with the school board, which is something I’ve always been passionate about and I’m excited to delve into this new position.  I know there will be a bit of a learning curve, but I’m looking forward to the challenge and gaining the experience from my job.

I am also greatly enjoying getting back in serious shape.  I did several blog posts about travel fitness, but being at home I can get into much more of a routine to get my body into shape.  I am also pumped to be starting in on two new aerial disciplines in the coming weeks:  aerial hoop and aerial hammock.  Pole fitness is what got me started into aerial arts, and will forever be my first aerial love, but I’m looking forward to working on something different as well.  Hoop and hammock offer both movements that are very similar and yet starkly different from pole, and I’m looking forward to working through the skills required for both.

So even though I’m home and no longer exploring new places every day, I am getting to explore several new avenues and develop new skills, which is exciting in itself.

One response to “It’s Not the End

  1. I love your perspective! You will have such wonderful adventures wherever you are.

    Sent from my iPhone


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